Send/Send Only setting creates the buttons that send the order to the kitchen printer.
Difference between Send and send only is, send will enable send & close (exit to table map) while send-only will enable send & stay button (stay on order screen).
Menu > Setting > Main > Sales > Ordering > Use Send/Send only
Selection Yes on either or both of the option to enable the send to kitchen button. Select no to disable them.
![send01](/user/pages/01.manual/07.settings/01.main/01.sales/01.Ordering/03.Send & Send-Only-button/send01.png)
Send buttons will be created.
![send02](/user/pages/01.manual/07.settings/01.main/01.sales/01.Ordering/03.Send & Send-Only-button/send02.png)
![send03](/user/pages/01.manual/07.settings/01.main/01.sales/01.Ordering/03.Send & Send-Only-button/send03.png)