Understanding and creating a new map.
1. Click on Menu on top right corner > Setting > Repository > MAP > Click ADD MAP to craete a new map screen
2. Click MAP on the top left corner, Write out the NAME on right editor screen. This will be map name shown in MAP MANAGER
3. Each of boxes shown below will be map screen that will appear on table map. Once you click a box, screen editor will show up on right with NAME input.
Here, you can arrange map screen priority and overall scale and translation.
4. Map Elements will be shown in drop down list on top. You will have to press ADD button on the right to add it onto MAP Screen.
Number will decide in which order the tables will be listed in vertical list. Make sure to plan ahead and create tables in order you want to list in vertical list.
NAME will be just a name appearing on map screen.
Guest Count If you fill out guest count, this will automatically put 3 for guest when checking in. If left blank, guest number screen will pop up.
Orientation will rearrange placement and size.
These boxes in yellow box are each Map Screen described in step 3.